Eden's Organic Garden Center Organic Today - For a Better Tomorrow! - Since 2006 Home of DFW's first All-Clean, All Farmers - Market Day! (no GMO's - EVER) & Eden's Garden CSA Farm REAL FOOD, GROWN with INTEGRITY! 4710 Pioneer Rd., Balch Springs, TX 75180 GARDEN SHOP / FARMERS MARKET Open 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays only April - December 6th 9am - noon 214-348-3336 Just 15 mins southeast of downtown Dallas 1 block north I20 @ Seagoville Rd.
Not affiliated with EDEN FOODS, INC (yes, we REALLY have to put this on here.) |
SITE INDEX: Follow Eden's on Facebook, Twitter and our Blog pages where you can keep up with Life on the Farm. Eden's In the News & On-Line Farmer Marie profiled in Green Source DFW June 29th, 2015
Growing Urban Roots - Acres USA Dec. 2014 Issue
Living Natural First Radio Interview Featured in Edible Dallas & Forth Worth - Winter 2009 Market Day Feature Story in NeighborsGo - July 2010 D Magazine - Chefs for Farmers Launch long-table style benefit dinner at Eden's. Market Day - Our Humble Beginnings "...an urban country adventure." - Kim Pierce DMN
When do I need to fertilize my yard? This is a common question - and one easily answered. In an organic program, there really isn't a good time or bad time to add fertilizer to the soil. We are feeding the microorganisms in the soil, so they can do their job and feed the plants. The plants may benefit from a burst of nutrients at some specific times of the year, and so we do have certain times when adding extra fertilizer would be more opportune than other times. But, if you miss any of the below dates, don't hesitate to put some fertilizer out, especially if you are just converting from a synthetic program or things look a little puny. When you fertilize, don't just cover your turf - all of the soil needs to eat. Fertilize around your shrubs, trees and in your flowerbeds, too. *Probably the only time this "fertilize any time" approach might be an issue, is a couple of weeks before an expected frost/freeze - because it may encourage new, tender growth that can be susceptible to damage.
*Corn Gluten Meal is a natural product that works
to keep most small seeds from fully taking off after germination. Just as
in a synthetic pre-emergent program, timing is very important, and the weather
conditions will directly affect the efficacy of the product. Water into
the soil after application or plan to put out when light showers are predicted,
but avoid putting down before an expected frog-strangler! In the fall, apply Corn Gluten Meal between September 1st and mid October, as the evening temps cool and we get rain. In the spring, apply it between February 15th and mid March. It is a timing game for sure. Applied too soon, the weed killing benefit will wear off and it will simply be a great source of nitrogen in the soil. Applied too late and you've just fertilized some recently germinated and soon to be killer weeds! This is true with your synthetic "weed n' feed" products, too. Timing has to be right for it to be effective. You'll surely eliminate some weed seeds, but the idea is to get the bulk of them at once. Applied each year, you can get a handle on those annual weeds. Sprinkle some in your flower beds too, so long as you don't plan to put down any seeds. Wait at least 6 weeks before over-seeding with winter grasses, etc, if you plan to do so.