Eden's Organic Garden Center Organic Today - For a Better Tomorrow! - Since 2006 Home of DFW's first All-Clean, All Farmers - Market Day! (no GMO's - EVER) & Eden's Garden CSA Farm REAL FOOD, GROWN with INTEGRITY! 4710 Pioneer Rd., Balch Springs, TX 75180 GARDEN SHOP / FARMERS MARKET Open 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays only April - December 6th 9am - noon 214-348-3336 Just 15 mins southeast of downtown Dallas 1 block north I20 @ Seagoville Rd.
Not affiliated with EDEN FOODS, INC (yes, we REALLY have to put this on here.) |
SITE INDEX: Follow Eden's on Facebook, Twitter and our Blog pages where you can keep up with Life on the Farm. Eden's In the News & On-Line Farmer Marie profiled in Green Source DFW June 29th, 2015
Growing Urban Roots - Acres USA Dec. 2014 Issue
Living Natural First Radio Interview Featured in Edible Dallas & Forth Worth - Winter 2009 Market Day Feature Story in NeighborsGo - July 2010 D Magazine - Chefs for Farmers Launch long-table style benefit dinner at Eden's. Market Day - Our Humble Beginnings "...an urban country adventure." - Kim Pierce DMN
Barn Aid 2012 Le Tour de Farms Sunday, October 14th
Wait! - what, you missed it? Still want to contribute? There's still time!! Make a donation today! Help us reach our goal of $2,000! Raised so far.... $1195
Then, get your bicycles ready...... Le DEUX starts next fall!!! Le Tour de Farms deux! It was a blast - great turn out, hard work and wonderful weather all contributed to a successful event! Thank you to everyone who came out - helped out - and hung out! What fun, great food and awesome people! Farmer Marie - Barn Aid co-founder
Join us for Barn Aid 2012 as we ride (or drive), harvest and eat! (early registration ends 10-09) 32ish mile fun ride (or drive if you or your bike is rusty) from Lake Highlands Community Garden through Dallas to Eden's Garden CSA Farm, stopping along the way at various community gardens to harvest, including Urban League's Community Garden at Parkland on Elam, and We Over Me Farm at Paul Quinn College. At each stop, riders will purchase/donate towards the collection of fresh ingredients to be brought back to Eden's for our local celebrity chefs to whip up into a delicious community meal to be shared by participants. Think scavenger hunt! Headlining local chefs challenged with preparing an on-the-spot 3 course meal from freshly gathered items of the ride include;
A great, healthy and fun way to support some of our local community gardens and farms and share a meal gathered together with like-minded folks!! Tentative bike route; to be finalized soon. Start at Lake Highlands Community Gardens ( check in at 1pm). After the film, shuttle will take riders back to DART rail Green Line station which is just a few minutes from the farm. The DART rail White Rock Station at 7333 NW Highway is just 3.2 miles from the gardens. Don't forget your bike light if you parked at the gardens on Goforth! Drive route to include 2 extra stops. This year's Barn Aid beneficiary is; Youth Village Resources of Dallas - Gardening Program Founded in 2001, Youth Village Resources of Dallas, formerly known as the Youth Village Foundation, is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization formed to benefit the residents of the incarcerated youth at Dallas County Youth Village and Medlock Residential Treatment Facility. Youth Village Resources is dedicated to helping juvenile offenders, ages 13 to 17 years old, reach their law abiding potential and to diverting them from further involvement with the juvenile justice system. We are committed to putting positive outcomes within their reach. There is a small, but growing, garden out on the grounds. These gardens are a great place for these young men to get their hands dirty, reconnect with nature and help grow food that is served in their cafeteria as well as for the Cafe Momentum pop up dinners. Anyone who's ever "played in the dirt" knows how therapeutic it can be to weed a garden, watch seeds turn into seedlings and then harvest from the plants, and just observe nature in its finest moments. If we can inspire young people to get back to the basics, I think it will help them return to the places of peace and serenity, recovery and achievement. Remember how excited YOU were when you picked your first tomatoes? Additionally, gardening on a commercial scale can teach valuable skills for a future in local farming - an up and coming revival of our worn out agricultural system. Join me in raising funds for this under funded outreach project - let's help them become sustainable! Basic needs include a walk behind tiller, tools and supplies for their hoophouse and aquaponic program. Teach a man to garden, and he can now eat FISH! KEYNOTE SPEAKER TAG TEAM! While enjoying your garden fresh dinner, taking in the fresh air of the farm, and recuperating from your ride; Chef and Program Director Organic Gardening & Culinary Arts, Charles Plummer along with Chris Quadri, Community Liaison & Fund Development Specialist and the very brand new Executive Director of Cafe Momentum, chef Chad Houser will share with you in their own words, this program's value in the lives of these otherwise forgotten youth and how giving them a shovel and a goal, helps in ways you'd be surprised. Watch for surprise guest speakers, too! Local food producers and farmers will be on hand for concessions during the day's events and for the film. Barn Aid is an annual event intended to educate our community and raise awareness and support for local food producers, small farming and sustainability in DFW and North Texas through fellow organizations working to better our food security in DFW. The event is being put on by volunteers and fellow small producers in the local food community. Most have graciously given of their time, expertise and either donated or provided products at cost-only for the event, in order to keep the costs down. The farm uses only a small portion of each ticket sold to secure food, beverage and other non-donated items for the event. Volunteers, Farmers, Ranchers, local Chefs and producers please go to registration page to sign up! Informational Booths and Vendors Farm Tour of Eden's Garden CSA Farm Live Music Entertainment throughout the day and at dusk - stay and join us for our traditional free film and concert! Back for a 3rd year with her beautiful voice and Angst-Ridden Folk Acoustic sound;
TICKETS ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE RIDE/DRIVE/DINNER - AVAILABLE ON LINE, OR BY CHECK/CASH AT A MARKET DAY at EDEN'S. If you can't make the afternoon festivities, please plan to join us at dusk for the annual FREE film and concert! Bring your lawn chairs & blankets! This year's free movie screening will be the RE-screening of last year's rained out film; a tale of urban renewal through gardening and farmingWhat people are saying about this film:
Leonardo DiCaprio
Valletta The majority of each ticket sold for our Barn Aid events go to our chosen beneficiary each year. Can't make it the 14th but still want to help? Help Youth Village Resources of Dallas Gardening Program, with a 501c3 tax deductible donation - please reference Barn Aid 2012 in the notes section. brought to you by;
Providing our wide barn screen; Additional Parking across the street at; wine by the glass; «The French winery of Texas»
"The Latest about Food and entertainment in Dallas / Fort Worth"
Some things I try to address every day include highlighting local food and sustainable sources of that food, (including nearby farms and supporters of those farms), along with very real needs among our neighbors and beyond, such as nutrition and hunger. I agree with Alice Waters who has said, “Everyone on this planet deserves to eat food that’s really nourishing and produced in a way that is fair to the people who produce it.” This new urban farm is striving to help make that a possibility and a difference in the community by helping spread the word about good food as well as grow that food. Part of my mission is to reach out to the community and teach sustainable gardening, food harvesting, storage, safety, preparation and nutrition. I am growing the farm's educational outreach program gradually, as capital allows. I welcome hosting programs with local educators, chefs and others in local food.
School Farm Tours, On-Farm Workshops, Special Events, Lectures and Demonstrations as well as public outreach at schools, libraries and other venues are ways we are helping spread the word about farm to table. Thank you in advance for considering your support of local food! I hope to see you soon! For more information on the owner and this farm please see Where We're From photo by JEP Marie Eden's Garden CSA Farm - is a local, sustainable, urban farm, independently owned and operated by Marie Tedei with volunteers and farmers-in-training and is supported in large part by CSA, (Community Supported Agriculture). We are working to reach out to our community and provide a source for education and healthy, nutrient rich, clean - organic - food in the underserved southeast corner of Dallas County. 214-348-EDEN (3336) |